The fastest & easiest way to build a real estate portfolio pays you cash-flow without tenants, lump-sum payoffs without buyers and property acquisitions for pennies on the dollar.

Wealth Creation Workshop

Invest in this workshop to learn how buying performing & non-performing mortgage notes is the best real estate investing strategy for lump sum paydays, consistent “passive” cash-flow and discounted property acquisitions.

Here’s What You’ll Learn:

  • Learn exactly how the market works & what you can do to be successful in the mortgage note business
  • Set the right tone & lay the correct foundation by learning how to build your reputation & credibility in the note business from the start
  • Learn how to create value for yourself and your business by sourcing mortgage notes 
  • Accelerate your competency & separate yourself from the competition by knowing when and where to take massive action
  • Why you don’t need to have any special skills, charisma or advanced degrees to start earning transaction fees for deals you source
  • Position yourself as an irresistible note buyer by building the right relationships with the right note sellers
  • Avoid costly mistakes by learning how to build your pricing criteria before you start buying notes
  • Talk the talk so you can walk the walk, learn the language of the banks to demystify the mortgage note market
  • Help American families stay in their homes by creating win-win-win scenarios for the bank, the borrower, and yourself (while also making profit!) 

    This training is instantly delivered in a 35 minute video workshop, originally presented on Zoom & optimized with a tight edit. Less than an hour of your time to unlock the skills to change the trajectory of your career!

in less than AN hour, you’ll already be on your way to ANALYZING ASSETS, CLOSING deals & building your portfolio
Note Investing 101


one-time fee: lifetime access

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Wealth Creation Workshop

Instantly access this comprehensive Wealth Creation Workshop on how to get started in the best way to build a real estate portfolio with mortgage notes.

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